Nikken Comforter

The Nikken comforters help your body to be at right temperature and relax so that you can get a great night’s sleep. Nikken has a few choices for comforters. The white comforters are sized for beds, are available in two weights, and are magnetic. The travel comforter is sized for personal use and does NOT have magnets. Click on the picture below of the item you are interested in for more information and to order.

What’s Special About the Nikken Magnetic Comforter?

Nikken magnetic blankets

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Buy Nikken magnetic blankets

Staying the right temperature all night is key to getting great sleep. When you are too hot you wake up sweating. Too cold, well you wake up too. You have to be comfortable.

That is what the Nikken blankets help to achieve. They contain special ceramic reflective fibers that help your body stay comfortable, not too warm, not too cool.

I have been using Nikken’s blankets since 2006. The Dream Light comforter is on my bed and I have a couple of the travel comforters for when anyone feels chilly watching TV in the winter. All I can say is that they really do work, and work very well.

Nikken currently has three comforters, the Kenko Dream Comforter, Kenko Dream Light Comforter, the Kenko Naturest Cozy Throw.

The Dream and Dream Light comforters are the two white blankets pictured above and include magnets embedded inside for additional relaxation effect.

The Cozy is a new (as of January 2023) travel comforter. It has the same temperature-regulating effect as the other comforters, just without the magnets that some people cannot use (people with pacemakers, for example).

Kenko Dream and Dream Light

The Kenko Dream and Dream Light comforters both sized for beds and are available in twin, queen, and king sizes. The queen is recommended for full mattresses as well.

The magnets in these comforters are designed to complement the magnets in the Naturest mattress topper to form a magnetic cocoon for you to sleep in. Magnets help your body to relax and re-energize while you sleep.

If you don’t have the topper (yet) then you will still get benefit from the magnets. Some are better than none. There are sleep packs available that contain everything.

My Thoughts

As you can see, the Dream and Dream Light comforters are white. They are VERY white. And they are dry clean only. They work great, but if you have pets, kids, eat or drink in bed, or anything else that could get them dirty then you will want to cover the comforter with something to help keep it clean.

I have kids and cats so mine quickly turned yellow and it just isn’t worth the effort to regularly dry clean it. It’s expensive and I don’t want to go a night without it while it’s getting cleaned.

We tried a duvet cover for a little while but that added two more layers of thick cloth and made it way to warm. I have found that a thin, inexpensive sheet laid over top of the comforter does a great job of protecting it.

Despite it being so white, I didn’t hesitate to get another one when my original started to wear out after 13 or so years, and I hope they are still available in 10 years when this one reaches 13 years old.

Kenko Naturest Cozy Throw

Nikken Travel Blanket

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Buy Nikken Travel Blanket

The Kenko Naturest Cozy Throw is a long name for the new version of what used to be called the travel comforter. It is slightly larger than the old one at 43″ x 66″.

The Cozy has the same ceramic reflective fibers as the other comforters, so it helps your body stay at a comfortable temperature.

With it’s more portable size, it is ideal for wrapping up in to watch TV on a cool evening or a nap on the couch on a Sunday afternoon.

I like to wrap it around my shoulders while I’m working on my computer or while sitting up in bed reading. The cats like it too.

The Kenko Naturest Cozy folds up and zips into a square pillow or cushion that is easy take with you when you travel.

Since this blanket does not have magnets, it can be machine washed on a cold delicate cycle and allowed to air dry. And it is NOT white!


As an independent Nikken wellness consultant I do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of my Nikken comforter. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and therefore do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe magnetic blankets for any specific conditions.

22 Responses to Nikken Comforter

  1. Jean says:

    I live in humid conditions. Can the white comforter be briefly put in the dryer to help remove the damp?
    Thank you

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Jean. I don’t see any problem with that. Maybe just use low heat. You just don’t want to wash it because iron rusts and the iron content is what makes magnets magnetic.

  2. Pamela S Egnew says:

    I have a dream mattress pad with magnets from Nikken. I put it on a king bed in between the mattress and box springs. Does that negate the purposes of it? Or should I put in on top and then put a mattress cover pad over top of that?

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Pamela. Your magnetic mattress pad should go on top of your mattress. The strength of the field decreases significantly with distance from the magnets. So with your mattress between you and your pad you probably aren’t getting much if any benefit from the magnets.

  3. Sharon Broyles says:

    Would you please consider re-issuing the travel quilt? (Zips on 3 sides)

    Mine is 25 yrs old & I have used it nightly since purchase, faithfully protecting it from washing machine & dry cleaner. However, its temp control feature has petered out over past yr & I need a new one!! I’m waking in a sweat in the mornings.

    ‘Am afraid to purchase from ebay, especially if seller has washed or dry cleaned it. I would buy the comforter, but it would be awfully hard to travel with.

    Any advice??

  4. Linda says:

    Can the comforter be put inside a duvet to keep it clean?

    • Wayne says:

      Yes, the duvet cover will not change any of the comforter’s magnetic properties but it will lose some of it’s temperature regulating ability because of the extra layers of fabric. It just won’t breathe as well.

  5. Beth says:

    Hi, I’m trying to purchase the travel comforter but it seems it’s discontinued. I got the KenkoTherm Cocoon but I think it will be too hot in the Summer. I get hot at night. So what is suggested for summer nights? Do not want to purchase anything expensive. Can I buy the travel comforter from another source?

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Beth. I had no idea that the travel comforter was discontinued, but it does appear to be gone. And I understand your concern about the Cocoon being too warm. That and the light comforters are the only options from Nikken right now. You can always try Ebay to see if anyone is selling the travel comforter on there.

  6. Twana says:

    Hi there. I have a kenko heavy comforter and the magnets have come unattached and are stuck together in each pocket. Can I somehow sew them back in place? Do I need to worry about them facing a certain position?

    • Ben says:

      The magnets are in two pieces. The magnet itself is rounded and faces down toward you. The other piece is a flat disk with a post that goes through a cloth layer then snaps into the back of the magnet. You might be able to snap them back in place.

  7. Betty Lane says:

    I have a travel quilt (zips together on 3 sides) that has been packed away for years, I think i purchased it in the mid-late 80’s. I now have a pacemaker and am wondering if it has magnets in it?

    • Ben says:

      Hi Betty. There have been different versions of the travel quilt over the years, some with magnets and some without. The current blue one does not. I found an old green one that does. If it still has the tag attached, the one that says “Under Penalty of Law this tag is not to be removed…,” it should list the materials inside including any magnets.

  8. Irene Logan says:

    Why Dry Clean only for Nikken Comforter? This introduces toxic chemicals.

    • Ben says:

      Hi Irene. The comforter is dry clean only because of the magnets. They could rust after repeated washing in water. I agree with you about the toxic chemicals. We do our best not to come into physical contact with our comforter 1) to reduce it’s chances of getting dirty so that I don’t have to get it cleaned very often and 2) so that I don’t have to worry about any chemicals that it may have picked up from cleaning. We pull the sheet up a couple inches and fold it down over the top edge of the comforter to protect it (and us).

  9. Lisa says:

    I accidentally washed my Nikken comforter in the washing machine – is it ruined? Have all of the beneficial magnetic qualities been destroyed?

    • Your comforter should be fine. Get it hung up so that it can air dry thoroughly and try not to do that very often. People have washed them without any damage but it is not recommended. I think we have washed our comforter once before too.

  10. Marilyn says:

    I own a Nikken comforter. How do I care for it? Washing machine or dry clean?

  11. john tedrick says:

    what can i use for back to feei better.i do have a magboy. had it for years just found in when i moved do they work ??. thank you john.

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