Alert: Nikken launched a new website on Feb. 22. If you have ordered from Nikken before (you have an account) please click this link to see what you need to do differently to place your first order (only your first order) on the new site.
Click any of the images below to get more information, prices, and to order the Nikken air purifier or any of the replacement filter packs. You will then be taken to the Nikken website to complete your request.
You Need a Good Air Filter

I heard once that if you don’t have an air filter cleaning your air, then you are the air filter. More specifically, your lungs are the air filter.
Anything that gets into your lungs affects them. Hopefully the pollutants get trapped in the mucous and eventually removed. People who are more sensitive will have a stronger reaction.
I have had pollen allergies since I was a year old. I moved to Georgia when I was 13 and learned that everyone has pollen allergies. We are all just sensitive at different levels. I’m sensitive at fairly low levels. Everybody is at least a little sensitive at the extreme pollen levels here in the Spring.
I wish there was a Nikken Air Purifier when I was younger. It sure would have made my life easier.
The Nikken air purifier has gone through a few revisions over the years. Nikken introduced the KenkoAir Purifier a few years ago, replacing the Nikken Air Wellness Power5 Pro. The replacement air filter packs for the Power 5 Pro and the older Power 5 are still available. To order them, scroll down a bit and click on the appropriate picture.
Why Use a Nikken Air Purifier
The EPA has reported that the air inside our homes can be much more polluted than the air outside. When people spend about 90 percent of their time inside this becomes a real problem. Indoor pollution can come from heat sources, building materials, furnishings, and household products such as air freshners, cleaners, and personal care items.
Add in the people and pets that live in that space and things can get even worse. Viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew also become a concern.
Most people keep their windows closed, so air isn’t often exchanged with the outdoors. Overtime, that concentrates the pollution that we breathe in.
Problems with Ozone-Generating Air Filters
Many air filter systems produce ozone, either intentially or as a by-product of freshening the air. The EPA also has some information about the risks of having ozone generators in your home. They say that ozone can damage the lungs and small amounts can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and throat irritation. It can also make asthma worse and make it harder for the body to fight respiratory infections.
The KenkoAir Purifier and the Air Wellness Traveler have multiple stages of air filtration, as have all of Nikken’s past air filters, to take care of most of the air problems that may exist in your home. They both also freshen the air without the harmful ozone.
My Experience with the Nikken Air Purifier
I have had pollen allergies since I was small, so air filtration is a concern for us. We have used the Nikken Air Filter in our house since we started with Nikken and it has kept my allergies in check. Aside from my allergies, the most significant thing we have noticed is how fresh the air smells. One good indication of how well the Air Wellness technology works is with plants. They love it. The plants that we have placed near the outflow from the air filter grow much faster.
How to Buy a Nikken Air Purifier, or Replacement Filter
To order your own KenkoAir Purifier, Air Wellness Traveler, or replacement parts, just click on the image of the item below. That will take you to a new page where you can see the price and place your order. If you have any questions then please contact me. My phone number and email address are at the top of this page. If you are ordering replacement parts, please make sure that you choose the right one.
The product documentation, including the QRS (quick reference sheet) and manual are available to download. Just click the picture above for the product you are interested in.
If you need a manual for the older Air Wellness Power 5, let me know and I can email you a link to download it from. My email address is at the top of this page next to my picture.
Disclaimer and Disclosure
I am an independent Nikken distributor and do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this page represent my opinions based on my use of my Nikken Air Purifier. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am not a doctor and unable to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions. As in independent distributor I may earn a commission if you purchase through any of the links on this website. Nikken’s products are only available through independent distributors like me.
Hello Wayne,
I have an older Clean Hepa System from Nikken and have replaced the air filters (had new ones in packaging from a while!) I followed your Youtube tutorial on how to put in the filters and pushed the reset button as well.
However, when I turn on the system, the “change F” is still highlighted in red. Is there a way to turn that signal off? I know I have new filters installed. What to do…please advise!
Hi Eve.
I don’t have my Power 5 anymore. We more than exceeded it’s capabilities when we had it but it lasted a very long time. I remember toward the end we had the same problem with ours. The best I can suggest is to try to keep the sensor clean and see if that helps to keep the filter change light off. The sensor lives in a small box on the front of the unit behind the cover. It’s pretty easy to find. There is a hole in the side of the sensor casing where you can see the sensor looking out. It kind of looks like a camera lens if I remember correctly. Try to vacuum out the opening the best you can then reset the filter change light again. If that doesn’t work, then you will have to ignore the light, make a note of when you last changed the filters, then change them on a regular schedule that approximates how often you changed them in the past.
I hope that helps.
Do you have any of the air wellness replacement filters?
Hi Susan. Unfortunately, Nikken has discontinued the replacement filters for the old Air Wellness systems. With a little poking around on Amazon you can probably find a decent HEPA filtration system for not much more than the Air Wellness replacement filter pack used to cost.
I have a Nikken Air Wellness Hepa Air Filtration System NKAP 100. Are there any filters that are compatible? Thanks.
Hi Tomme. I don’t know of anything specifically. A friend told me a while back that he saw somebody come up with something. I don’t remember the specifics but essentially, it involved finding a HEPA filter that was a close fit then stuffing something around it to hold it in place. Any home improvement store should have a good HEPA replacement filter you could use.
I have the Air Wellness purifier KSAP 1000. The device does not indicate that a filter replacement is necessary.
With resepct to filtering of virus particles, is the original filter a real HEPA filter (i.e. European filter classes H13 or H14) ? Only HEPA filters (or better) improve the virus load. Other filters like EPA filters in classes below H13 just spread the virus particles.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Joachim. The filters are listed as HEPA filters, so you can feel confident that they meet the qualifications of HEPA filtration.
Does Nikken sell any air purifiers now?
Please let me know.
Hi Laura. Nikken does not currently offer any new air purifiers, only the replacement filter packs for the previous models.
Hi, I would like to purchase a nikken air purifier, but it looks like there isn’t one available at this time. Is that correct? Do you happen to know if a new one is coming out or if something will be available any time soon? Thank you so much!
Nikken expects the KenkoAir Purifier to be back in stock toward the end of this month and it will be discontinued once that stock runs out. The replacement filters are supposed to be back in stock in January and will be a permanent product. The price for the KenkoAir Purifier is $399 and the replacement pack will be $199.