There is now a Nikken autoship program. Consumable items, like the nutritional supplements, skincare, KenkoTherm DUK Tape and PowerMini magnets, are available on autoship at a 10% discount. That’s a better price than what I can order them for as a distributor at wholesale.
Nikken has added some additional items to the autoship program at a 10% discount. These items include CM Complex Skin Cream and the replacement parts for the PiMag water items (except for the bottle) and for the air filters.
Benefits of Nikken Autoship
An autoship is a standing order that Nikken will ship to you on a regular basis – monthly, bimonthly, quarterly or semiannually (that is every month, 2 months, 3 months or 6 months). What it really boils down to is you can have your nutritional supplements, or any of the other consumable items, sent to you on a regular basis at a 10% discount. Further, Nikken lets you add other items to your standing order that you may want from time to time without the added cost of shipping a second order.
For example, you can have your Jade GreenZymes, CiagaV and Bergisterol sent to you on a Nikken autoship order every month without having to remember to place the order every time, and save 10%. When it is time to replace the filter in your PiMag Waterfall you can add it to your autoship order for a 10% discount and not have to place another order for it, then remove it the following month. If you want to give a MagDuo or pair of mSteps magnetic insoles as a birthday or Christmas gift, add it to your autoship order, save on the shipping, then remove it the following month. You do not receive the 10% discount on the additional items but in most cases you will save some on the shipping cost.
What Items are Available on Autoship for 10% Off?
All of the nutritional supplements are available on a Nikken autoship. Packs sometimes have a discount built in and sometimes they don’t. Compare the totals with the pack and the individual items to see which gives you the better price, or contact me and I will help you.
All of the True Elements skin care and hair care items have a 10% discount ad well as the CM Complex Skin Cream.
What Other Items are Available on Autoship for 10% Off?
- Aqua Pour replacement parts (cartridge, rocks, and pre-filters)
- PiMag Waterfall replacement parts (cartridge and rocks)
- PiMag Water Bottle and replacement filters
- PiMag Optimizer II replacement ring
- PiMag Deluxe replacement filter (for stainless countertop and under counter)
- PiMag MicroJet Shower filter replacement parts (wall-mounted and hand-held)
- Air Wellness Power 5 replacement pack
- Air Wellness Power 5 Pro replacement pack
- Air Wellness Traveler replacement filter
- KenkoAir Purifier replacement filter pack
- CM Complex Skin Cream
The best way to stay up to date on the prices is to check the price list once you log into your account and enter the autoship section. See the next section for how to do that.
How Do I Set Up a Nikken Autoship?
You should have a customer number and password if you have ordered from me or through the Nikken website before. If not, email me with your first and last name, full shipping address and phone number and I will set up a new account for you.
When you have your account information go to the Nikken customer website, click the button for your country, and you will see a page like this one open in a new tab.

The first thing you should do anytime you arrive on this page is log in by clicking on the “Customer Login” link at the top of the page. See the green arrow in the image above. That will take you to the login page.

Enter your customer number in the first box (see the first green arrow in the picture above), your password in the second box then click the Login button. If you know your customer number but not your password, click the “What is my password/ID?” link (see the second green arrow) and Nikken will email your password to you. If you do not receive it within 10 minutes then email me your first and last name, full shipping address and phone number so that I can create a new account for you.
Once you are logged in you will be back on the shopping home page with new options for managing your account.

The top of the page now says “Hello” and gives you the ability to logout, manage your account information with the “My Account” link, view your previous orders with the “My Orders” link, and manage your Autoship orders with the “Autoship” link (again with the green arrow in the picture above).
Click the Autoship link (green arrow in the picture) at the top of the page to create your new autoship order or to manage your existing ones. The page will appear as below if you do not have any previous autship orders.

It is a good idea to check the autoship price list to confirm the items that are available at a discount. The first green arrow in the image above points to the link for the US price list. The Canadian price list is next to it followed by a FAQ (frequently asked questions) link.
If you have already set up one or more autoships, they will be listed on this page. See the second green arrow above. From here you can see the current status of your autoship, modify it by adding or removing items, or delete it if you no longer want to receive regular shipments.
To create a new autoship order, click the yellow “Create a New Autoship Order” button. See the third green arrow in the image above. When you do, you will see a page like this one.

This page is a customized store for adding items to your autoship order. You can tell you are in the autoship store by looking at the lefthand side of the page where the cart summary is identified as the Autoship Cart Summary (see the first green arrow above). The product categories are listed on the left above the Authoship Cart Summary:
- Rest and Relaxation – magnets (inc. PowerMinis and DUK Tape)
- Environment – PiMag filtered water bottle
- Nutrition & Skin Care – just what you would expect.
- Accessories & Replacements – replacement parts for air and water filters.
- While Supplies Last – any discontinued items are listed here.
You add items to your Nikken autoship order in the same way that you add them to a regular order. Find the item you want and set the quantity (see the second green arrow). If there are more items that you want to add, click the yellow “Add to Cart” button to add the item to your cart and continue shopping. To you add your last item to your autoship cart click the yellow “Checkout” button. This will add your item to your cart and present your cart to review before going into the checkout process.

This page allows you to adjust the item quantities in your cart or remove items completely. If you change a quantity, click the Update button next to it before continuing on. When you are ready, click the red “Checkout” button below the cart.

The checkout process for an autoship order is pretty much the same as for a regular order except for two pieces of information on the first page of checkout. As indicated by the green arrows in the image above, you can select the day of the month that you want your order to ship on and you can choose how often your order ships.
The first field, “Ship Day and Volume Month”, gives you the ability to select a day within the next thirty days for your autoship order to be sent to you. Your orders will continue to be billed and shipped on that day of each month that your order ships. The only exception is that your order will ship on the previous business day if your ship day falls on a weekend or holiday. For example, you choose February 5, 2016 as the ship day for your monthly autoship order. Normally, your order will ship on the 5th of every month from then on. However, in March the 5th falls on a Saturday so your order will ship on the 4th.
The second field that you can set is the frequency. This lets you set your autoship to be monthly (ship every month), bimonthly (ship every other month), quarterly (ship every 3 months) or semiannual (ship every 6 months).
What Else Do I Need to Know?
You can change your Nikken autoship order, add an item, drop an item, change quantities, change frequency, etc. any time you like. You have the ability to log into your account and make any changes yourself, so keep your customer number and password in a safe place. If your email address changes, be sure to update the email address on file with Nikken by clicking the My Account link once you log in. That way you will be sure to get the email from Nikken if you lose your password.
Nikken asks that you give them at least 3 days notice when you change or cancel your autoship order. This is mostly so that you aren’t surprised in the case when your autoship order ships early because your ship day falls on a holiday or weekend.
How To Get The Most From Your Nikken Autoship
If you are ordering only one or two light weight items, which is pretty much anything other than CiagaV, Bergisterol and maybe the Vital Balance Shake mix, order 2 or 3 months worth at a time and have it shipped bimonthly or quarterly. You will end up saving a fortune on the shipping cost. Nikken’s minimum shipping cost is $9.50 and at the current rate you can order almost 4 lbs of product before the shipping cost goes up. For example, you can order up to 8 jars of Jade GreenZymes without the shipping cost going up at all. Note, this is for the current US shipping rates. Canadian rates are different and the shipping rates can change at any time, so play with your order quantities and see what works best.
Since you can change your autoship at any time, you can use it to try out other products that you may be interested in, especially the nutritional supplements and True Elements skin care items because you can order them at a 10% discount.
I’ve covered everything I can think of here. Please leave a comment below or email me if you have any further questions about the Nikken autoship program. All of my contact info is at the top right corner of this page.
Can’t find autoship
Hi Pat.
Thanks for asking about the Nikken autoship.
If you are an existing Nikken customer and know your customer ID and password, go to Nikken’s website and log in using the login link toward the right at the very top of the page.
Once you are logged in, click the area that says “Welcome” at the top of the page, about where the login link was before. Click “Manage Wellness Subscription” from the menu that opens up.
The next page will list any autoship orders you currently have so that you can manage them. Click the “Add New Wellness Subscription” button to create a new autoship order. The process is very similar to placing a regular order. Be sure to select the shipment day and frequency when you go through checkout.
When you need to edit your order in the future, go to the same page and click the “Manage” link next to the order you want to modify. Please be sure to click the “Save Changes” button when you are done. If you change your credit card, you will add the card then you still have to click the “Save Changes” button for the card to be applied to your autoship.
If you are NOT yet a customer, go to Nikken’s registration page and click the banner that says “I choose to become a Registered Customer.” Fill out the form, make a note of the password you choose, and you will receive a customer ID when you are done. Once you have that then you can go back to the instructions above and log in.
If you run into any problems then let me know tomorrow and I’ll help you through it.