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Do You Have a Nikken Wellness Home?

Your home should provide you the safest, healthiest environment for you to live in and raise your family in. That’s a Wellness Home.
Unfortunately this just isn’t the case for many people. They live in a Sickness Home. The water coming into your home is tainted with toxic chemicals like chlorine. Your air is polluted with mold, pollen, pet dander, cleaning chemicals, even the chemicals released by the very building materials your house is built from.
The Nikken products are organized into several categories. Just click on the picture below to explore each one.
About the Nikken Wellness Products
The environment that you live in – the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the environment that you sleep in – are the biggest factors that affect your wellness. They all affect the internal state of your body, and contrary to what you have been taught, the internal state of your body has more to do with how healthy you are than any germs you get exposed to. It’s all about your lifestyle and your environment. That is what the Nikken wellness products are all about.
A Wellness Home affects all aspects of your health for the better.
- Environment – the water you drink and the air you breath.
- Sleep – quality sleep energizes and repairs your body, enhances your memory, and reduces your stress.
- Food – the materials to repair your body and the fuel that it runs on.
The Nikken Wellness Home
Nikken has been developing wellness products for more than 35 years. They introduced the Wellness Home Concept several years ago because the environment in your home has a big effect on the internal state of your body. Nikken offers air and water filtration so that you can have the best air and the best water. They also have wholefood organic nutritional supplements to help you get all of the nutrients that your bodies need to perform at your best.
The magnetic technologies are the real strength of the Nikken product lines. They are used in the Nikken sleep system, jewelry, pads and patches, and even in the water filters. Medical science is finally accepting what ancient cultures have always known. Your body has an energy field. In fact, your body have many distinct electrical and magnetic fields that medical devices (MRIs, EEGs and ECGs) can measure and alter. The exciting thing about this is that medicine now has the ability to see how Nikken’s technologies really do affect the body.
As I said, Nikken has been around for more than 35 years and has been manufacturing healthy magnets from the very beginning. They are the best place, and in most cases, the only place to find products like these.
Nikken’s products and technologies are exclusive and work together to create an environment in your home and in your body that supports your body’s natural ability to heal and recharge itself and allow you to truly thrive. This environment is what we call your wellness home.
Use the product category menus above to explore the Nikken products for sale and learn more about the company and technologies. Leave me a comment below to share your experience with the Nikken products or to request more information.
To make an even bigger impact on your wellbeing, and a slightly smaller impact on your bank account, Nikken bundles several of their products into discounted packs. Currently there are sleep packs that combine the mattress topper with a comforter and pillows, water packs that combine filtration for the water you drink and the water you shower with, and an energy pack that combines several of the magnetic and non-magnetic support items.
As an independent Nikken wellness consultant I do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of these incredible products or those of my customers who are using them. Also, the FDA has not reviewed or approved any of these statements. I am a massage therapist, not a doctor, and therefore unable an unwilling to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions. I live in a Nikken Wellness Home and use the Nikken products both with my family and with my clients.
I am interested in cream but I am confused because one of my friend says that Nikken products are not reliable. Suggest me what to do buy it r not?
Hi Elena. I do not have personal experience with any of the skin care products, so I cannot say from my own experience. But the current skin care products have been around for a while and Nikken does not keep products that are not selling, so based on that I would say that the people who use them like them and keep buying more.
Your email address suggests that you are in Australia, so the bigger issue for you is that none of the Nikken products are currently available in Australia.
If our house was kept with more all natural products, we would have less need to run to the doctor and take all of these medications that only mask true symptoms and cause more harm than good. Thank you for giving me the kick to get my wellness house in order.
Great Post, I will be a regular reader.
Your welcome Steve, and thanks for reading.
I’m interested in Vegan mix drink.
Hi Nathan. To order, go to the Vegan Drink Mix page and click the picture or “Buy Now” button to get to the order page on Nikken’s website. From there you can add it to your cart and complete your order. Keep in mind that Nikken is working on their website right now and it will hopefully be up again very soon.
Some people said that Nikken products are unreliable. is this true
Hi Sam. I have been using Nikken products for 15 years and haven’t had any issues. There are several things that I have had for the full 15 years and still use.
I need to wash my queen size magnetic bed pad cover. Bought about 15 years ago. Its tough getting it out!! What are the washing steps to follow?
Hi Harrie. Nikken only recommends spot cleaning with the cover still in place. If you do feel the need to remove the cover to clean (which I have done a couple times over the years) take your time and go slow removing it. I washed mine in my washing machine, probably with cold water. Air dry it somewhere in the shade. Do not put it in direct sunlight. When completely dry put it back on the same way you took it off, slowly and carefully. It will take you some time because the cover will shrink and will take time to stretch back out.
These are the wonderful products . Natural products will make our immune system and internally strong.Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comment Seema. I agree completely.
Your products are better than others because it has nature in it. Anytime i prefer natural products over any chemical. Natural products will make our immune system and internally strong. Thanks for sharing this information.
Thank you Andrew. I agree.
hi i have a nikken matress topper in use 8 yrs which is sagging is it time for a bew one or is this normal ?
Hi Brenda. All of the “experts” that I hear say that you should replace your bedding every 7 or 8 years because the materials become compressed. That’s important for a mattress because it affects your posture while you sleep. I don’t think it is as significant for the Nikken topper because it’s only a few inches thick to begin with. The magnets should still be good.
The new toppers are much better than the one that you bought 8 years ago. They are made with natural latex (better for you and for the environment) and have more effective magnets.
Completely agree with BJ here. Including more and more natural atmosphere around the body helps fight many problems and diseases we have developed over the time. ANd mostly all of them are a result of the resetting of the body’s natural clock. We have been focusing more and more on wealth rather health. ANd in real, what we don’t realize is that, there is no wealth without health. Just a random thought.
Thanks for the comment Jack. I have to agree with you. You have to have your health to be able to enjoy any other goal you may reach.
I just saw your 2009 You Tube video on the Air Wellness Power 5. I just found out that it’s no longer possible to get those filters, and my machine is working as well as it did on day one. So I am not willing to just leave it on the curb for the garbage pick-up.
Do you happen to know if any of the filters can be purchased elsewhere?
Hi Joan. I’m glad to hear that your Power 5 is still working so well. The filters are supposed to be exclusive to Nikken but that definitely doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to find something else that works with it. I don’t know of any other replacements myself. If you take care of the pre-filter (cleaning it off regularly) and the first filter stage, then I think you will probably be able to get a few more years out of the filter pack you have. You can also measure the size of the filter opening and shop around for other filter media that is close to the same dimensions.
I need to wash my queen size magnetic bed pad cover. Bought about 15 years ago. Its tough getting it out!! What are the washing steps to follow?
Hi Gary. Officially, Nikken says do not wash the cover, just spot clean it if needed. That said, I have washed the cover on mine once or twice. You need to minimize any shrinking, so wash it in cold water and let it air dry. I hung mine outside over the railing of our deck. The only thing harder than getting the cover off the pad is putting it back on. Just take your time and go slow. The cover will eventually stretch back out.
Yes Gary, I also was a bit nervous about that, but as Ben said the cover did eventually stretch back out. My sleep is supreme at the moment.
wayne, just a short note to let you know that my factured heal has completely healed and thanks to the insoles i am walking as if i was in my twentys…thanks john hildebrand, midlothian va.
That’s great news John! I’m glad that the Magsteps have worked so well for you. Thanks for taking the time to share that here on my website. I appreciate that.
I have always been a fan of Nikken products. I find them very cost efficient in terms of the positive effects of them to my family’s well being.
Thanks for sharing Chuck. I too believe that they are very inexpensive when compared to the benefits my family receives.
@ Jude – my husband is a chiropractor and recommends these products to his patients and has done so for many years. We’ve seen a lot of happy users and believe me, if they weren’t happy with their Nikken products, they would let us know!
Some people said that quite a number of Nikken products are unreliable. How true is this?
I don’t think it is very true at all. I am still using just about everything that I bought when I started with Nikken more than 5 1/2 years ago. The only item in all of that time that I can think of that had a problem was the original magnetic sport bracelet. The hollow tube tore easily. That has since been replaced with the PowerBands and I have been very happy with them. I have not upgraded any of my original purchases (sleep system, air filter, water filter, etc) with the newer versions because the older ones still work.
Hi Asen. Thanks for signing up for my How to Build and Online Network Marketing business email series on I will show you exactly how I have built this website so that you can do the same.
Many people are not so much aware of how our health is effected by so many common things. We tend to put aside investing into stuff for preventative health but down the road it often ends up costing us much more. Pollutants in tap water and in the air, unnatural substances in processed foods, and even the medications we take to feel better, are actually damaging our health. Combine all these toxins with lack of exercise and proper diet and rest, and one is sure break down sooner or later. Better to start by investing now into one’s health and Nikken makes it pretty staraightforward with a product for each essential aspect of health, namely water, air, nutrition, rest, relaxation and exercise. I think the best way to start is with a water purification system. Drinking alot of pure water every day is one of the most basic essentials for health.
Thanks for the comment Mike. I don’t think I could have said it any better myself.
Hi Wayne , I am really impressed by the holistic approach Nikken have taken to natural wellness in the home and am blown away by the innovation .Keep reporting to let us know how you get on with it and i may get this installed in my house too.
Joy in Seattle
Thanks for visiting and for the comment Joy.
My husband and I are planning to renovate our home sometime June of this year and I looking for anything that would help create a healthy place to live in considering we are about to become senior citizens in a couple of years, and I came across your blog. I’ve read most of your work. And I was wondering to patten my home with a Nikken Wellness Home, so here is my question: Is it cost effective to have a home such as this one. I mean the materials ain’t cheap and I just want to make sure that will it really improve our health? Looking for a clearer response from you, Thank you!
Hi Gloria, thanks for visiting my site today. Nikken’s items are mosly stand-alone components, so you can get your renovation done then decide what products you want to bring in based on what concerns you have and how much money you have left over in your budget. Like you already said, some of these products are expensive, and any renovation project tends to get expensive as well.
I believe that Nikken’s items are highly beneficial and are a great value over their functional lifetime. I have been very impressed with how well they work and they last. Personally, I believe that the alkaline water from one of the Nikken water filters is the best thing that you can put in your body.
There are ways to get discounts on the products too. The easiest is to sign up for my free newsletter on the right-hand side near the top of this page. That gets you a promotion code for 20% off and it is good for as long as you remain a subscriber. That brings the price down to the wholesale price, what we distributors pay. Another option is to become a distributor yourself. If you will be purchasing a lot of the product, especially the filters sleep system then you will save some additional money because you will probably reach the point where you can get a 5% rebate. Finally, Nikken is releasing new packs this Friday, May 20, that combine related products and offer an additional discount.
The best thing might be for us to talk on the phone and see exactly what you might be interested in so that we can figure out how to get the best price and value.
If our house was kept with more all natural products, we would have less need to run to the doctor and take all of these medications that only mask true symptoms and cause more harm than good. Thank you for giving me the kick to get my wellness house in order.
Great Post, I will be a regular reader.
BJ Hayes