Nikken Power Mini Magnets

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You can find more information, prices and order the Kenko Power Mini magnets by clicking the picture below. You will then be taken to the Nikken website to complete your request.

Nikken Kenko Power Mini

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Buy Nikken Kenko Power Mini

Have you tried a magnetic patch before and had a hard time getting it to stay where you put it? Nikken has a solution – the self-adhesive magnetic Kenko Power Mini . It is small, but packs a lot of power with its DynaFlux technology, the same magnetic technology in the Kenko PowerChip.

The Nikken Kenko Power Mini is available in packages of 12 magnets with 24 self-adhesives disks in a case to keep them all together. Once the adhesive disks are used up, remove the adhesive disk and replace it with your favorite brand of first-aid tape. The magnet itself will be good forever.

The Kenko Power Mini vs the Nikken Power Patch

The PowerMini magnets replaced the Kenko PowerPatch magnets a few years ago when Nikken developed the DynaFlux technology. People sometimes ask my why the PowerMinis come in sets of 12 while the PowerPatches came in boxes of 30.

The PowerPatch magnets were single magnets and their magnetic field probably penetrated the skin by a few millimeters. The Kenko PowerMini magnets each contain more than one magnet set in opposition to produce a magnetic field that penetrates much deeper. Because they each contain more than one magnet, they are more expensive and Nikken wanted to keep the price about the same. More importantly, each disk is much more powerful, so you shouldn’t need to use as many at one time. Remember too that they are reusable. Only the adhesive disk needs to be replaced between uses.

How to get your own Kenko PowerMini magnets

You can order your PowerMini magnets by clicking on the picture below. That will take you to the page where you can add them to your cart and check out. You will pay Nikken and they will ship to you directly from Nikken.

Remember, they come in packs of 12, so ordering a quantity of 1 will get you 12 reusable PowerMini magnets.

Related Magnetic Products

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I am an independent Nikken wellness consultant and I do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of these incredible products or those of my customers who are using the products. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I do not attempt to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions.

As an independent Nikken distributor, I may earn a commission if you order through the links on this website. Nikken products are only available to the public through independent distributors.

14 Responses to Nikken Power Mini Magnets

  1. Carmen says:

    The mini magnets that I have do not have the logo and has two pieces. Which do I wear toward the skin

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Carmen. If you look closely at the picture at the top of this page you can kind of see how the magnet looks attached to the adhesive disk. That is the side that goes toward your skin. The image is slightly clearer if you click the image to go to Nikken’s website then click “download” next to the Datasheet in the Attachments box. I hope that helps.

  2. JB Carlson says:

    Please excuse my ignorance on the subject. I bought the Nikken Kenko Power Patch with the 30 magnets many years ago. Each magnet is tiny but it contains 7 points of contact. Are these 7 different magnets all within one hexagon? Mine are made of copper or gold (don’t know) but I am wondering if the magnetism wears off ? If I need to wash them after each use? If one needs to be careful how they are stored? Thanks for your help

    • Wayne says:

      Hi JB. Each one is a single magnet. The magnetic properties should not wear off, and you can always verify it by putting them on your fridge or something else that responds to magnets. You can clean them with alcohol if you want to, but use care because the coating on them is very thin and will probably chip off eventually.

  3. Adrian Demayo says:

    I hit my knee and I was told to place some magnets in the respective area to deal with my discomfort/pain.
    I would appreciate receiving any information on this topic including the available products available from your company,
    With anticipated thanks,
    Adrian Demayo.,

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Adrian. The Kenko Mini magnets on this page are a great choice for using around your knee because they are easily held in place with the adhesive they come with or your favorite first aid tape. As far as information about using magnets for pain, I can’t help you with that. I’m not a doctor and Nikken’s magnets are not medical devices, so to tell you about using magnets for pain could be taken as medical advice, which I am not qualified to give.

  4. Claudia says:

    Which side of the magnet goes on the skin?

  5. Common sense joe says:

    Magnets? How does the magnet interact with the body? (Skin penetration, etc)

    • Thanks for the question Joe. These magnets in particular use Nikken’s Dynaflux technology which is designed using more than one magnet in opposition to create a magnetic field that extends farther than it would if it was a single magnet, so they will penetrate the body farther. In general, magnets affect the body just by being within the body’s electromagnetic field. First, the body does have a field – it is what various medical instruments read, like the electrocardiogram (ECG) reading the electrical component of the heart and the magnetocardiogram (MCG) reading the magnetic component. Second, placing one fixed field inside of a more changeable field will change the that second field. That’s how power companies use magnets to induce an electric current and, going the other way, how electric currents can cause a motor to turn.

  6. Susie Konicov says:

    Question. I was in Australia many years ago and saw another brand of the same things, circular sticky patches with a magnet in the middle. BUT, they told me since those particular ones were made in Japan, for Australian users I had to reverse the magnet when I got back to the states.
    Something about the southern hemisphere vs the northern hemisphere. I was afraid I’d mix them up, so hardly used them any more when I was back. BUT, I really wanted to! Can you explain if that was true about the 2 different hemispheres?

    • I seriously doubt that this is true. The magnetic field on the surface of the Earth varies from one place to another. Where you are right now could have a mild magnetic north field. Then get in your car and drive west for an hour and arrive in an area that has a mild magnetic south field, or a neutral field. The Earth’s magnetic field is also very weak. If the Earth was reduced in size, I don’t think the magnetic field would be strong enough to hold a picture on the front of your refrigerator.
      I don’t know anything about the magnets that you have. The things that matter are which magnetic pole you are exposed to and the strength of the field. Nikken’s magnets use a balanced field of positive and negative poles and the strength of the magnets at the surface of your skin is usually under 1000 gauss. Their purpose is to enhance the natural magnetic field that you would be in if you spent your time outside because the body depends on that magnetic field to function properly.

  7. Randal Taite says:

    Understanding why you experienced back pain is critical in undergoing the proper type of therapy simply because treatment of back discomfort is tough. The a lot more you are familiar with its causes, the simpler is the road to recovery. Man’s back is a complex structure created up of bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and disks that cartilage-like pads serving as cushions between the spinal segments. Back pains are caused by issues produced in any of these parts. In some patients, no particular cause is pinpointed.

    • You are right Randal, to find a long-term solution to any form of pain you need to know what caused it so that you change that situation. Medical tests may or may not be able to figure out the immediate cause of the pain, like a compressed disk or a bone out of alignment, but to permanently fix that you need to know what caused that problem. It could be how you are sleeping or not sleeping, it could be posture, or even your diet. You can use magnets to help manage the immediate discomfort while you take the time to explore what the real cause may be.

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