Nikken Seat Cushion

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Nikken Kenko Seat Magnetic Chair Pad

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Buy Nikken Kenko Seat Magnetic Chair Pad

Most of us spend too much time sitting, whether it is to drive long distances to or for work or typing on a computer at a desk. Sitting for long stretches can cause a variety of problems from reduced bloodflow and lack of movement. A Nikken Kenko Seat can help with that.

This Nikken seat cushion is made from the same natural latex as the Naturest mattress topper and includes Nikken’s DynaFlux magnetic nodes to provide even magnetic energy throughout the back and seat. The chair pad is covered in nylon vented for breathability and has two straps to allow you to easily secure it to just about any chair.

The magnets are arranged with 10 magnetic Power Buttons in a diamond pattern in the seat back and 7 of them in the seat bottom.

Benefits of a Magnetic Chair Pad

I used to work a desk job, so I know what it’s like to sit too long – your back gets too warm and your butt can go numb. With my Kenko Seat I stayed comfortable in my chair. The same thing while driving. I used to drive almost 5 hours to visit my in-laws every few months. My Nikken Kenko Seat keeps me comfortable on that trip too.

My co-workers used to look at me funny because every morning when I got to work I would carry my Kenko Seat in from the car then carry it back out every afternoon because I wanted to have it both in my car and at my desk at work. I have another that I keep in my office chair at home. That one didn’t move because my cat used it while I was gone during the day.

How to Get Your Own Nikken Kenko Seat

Click on the picture below to order your own Kenko Seat.

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8 Responses to Nikken Seat Cushion

  1. Bruce Banning says:

    Not a Reply but a question:::: I have 2 original Kenko seat pads and I would like to buy some covers for them. Do you have any idea where I could obtain some ?? Thank you.

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Bruce. There used to be several but I have no idea if anyone is making them anymore. It will probably be easier to find someone nearby who sews and see if they could make you one.

  2. Donna Benson says:

    Hello when the Kenko Seat 11 is available again please let me know. Mine is nearly worn out and breaking down internally after 5-6 years of constant use.

  3. Veronica Collins says:

    Good Morning. About the cushion The quality is not as good as the one we have had for about 15 years. We use them on our lazy boy chairs and the back is not as strong to stay in place.

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Veronica. The current chair pad is definitely not as stiff as the old one was because natural latex, while healthier to use, isn’t as stiff as the old synthetic foam was. The magnetic nodes are much more effective though.

  4. Dennis Siebert says:

    I purchased a Kenko mattress pad about 30 years ago and it stopped my restless leg syndrome instantly. I had been going about three months at a time with very little sleep and your mattress pad was a God-send. Now I am wondering if you have a chair pad that would fit a large recliner chair. I think the car pad may be too small for my recliner, but may try it if you don’t have the recliner pad. Please let me know if you do have a recliner one.

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Dennis. This is the only chair pad that Nikken has. I understand what you mean by it being too small. It’s a good bit narrower than a recliner or regular padded chair that you might have in your living room. If your recliner is cloth then I think it would work just fine though. If leather or vinyl then it will probably slide around on you because it won’t grip the material. Maybe a couple no-slip decals like you might put in a bath tub or shower attached to the back or bottom of the chair pad would work.

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