Nikken Water Filter Replacement Parts

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Nikken Water Filter Replacement Parts

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Buy Nikken Water Filter Replacement Parts

Keep your PiMag water filter working great for years to come. Nikken recommends changing out the filtration components on a periodic basis.

PiMag Aqua Pour Replacement Parts

The official Nikken PiMag water filter replacement parts for the original Nikken water filter – the Aqua Pour. The PiMag Aqua Pour has been discontinued but the replacement parts should continue to be available for awhile.

  • Aqua Pour filter cartridge – every 6 months
  • Aqua Pour mineral stones – every 12 months
  • Aqua Pour micro-sponge (up to 5 years) or ceramic pre-filter (2 years)
  • NOTE: You use EITHER the micro-sponge OR the ceramic pre-filter. Not both.

PiMag Waterfall Replacement Parts

Nikken water filter replacement parts for the PiMag Waterfall. The PiMag Waterfall replaced the Aqua Pour and filters the water much more thoroughly than the Aqua Pour did, so the filter cartridge should be replaced more often.

  • Waterfall filter cartridge – every 3 months
  • Waterfall mineral stones – every 12 months

PiMag Sport Water Bottle Replacement Filter Pack

Nikken water filter replacement parts for the PiMag sport bottle. This filter pack includes 2 filter cartridges and 2 bottle spouts.

  • Water bottle filter cartridges

PiMag Shower Filter Replacement Filters

The wall-mount shower filter cartridge is for both the old PiMag Ultra shower filter and the newer PiMag MicroJet wall-mount unit.

  • Wall-mount shower filter cartridge
  • Hand-held shower filter cartridge

PiMag Optimizer Replacement Parts

  • Optimizer mineral ring
  • Replacement Optimizer II pitcher

Note: All items ship new from Nikken in California for US orders or from Nikken’s warehouse in Ontario for Canadian orders.


As independent Nikken wellness consultants we do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of these incredible products or those of my customers who are using the products. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and therefore unable to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions.

6 Responses to Nikken Water Filter Replacement Parts

  1. Shannon says:

    Does Nikken sell a dispenser for the Aqua Pour Deluxe? Preferably a countertop dispenser. Thanks!

  2. Paul says:

    Hi Wayne, My name is Paul and I would like to know if you can give me an idea what it would cost to send 2 – 1361 filters, and have them shipped to Canada. Thanks

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Paul, the current price for an Aqua Pour cartridge in Canada is $42, so 2 would be $84. Shipping looks like it will be about $24, bringing the total to $108. Then add tax at your local rate.

  3. Jessie Woo says:

    I am from Singapore and would like to buy the Aqua Pour parts.
    Where do I buy from and what the cost.

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