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You know how it’s a very good idea that all of the electrical wiring in your house has a connection to the ground to protect you, right? Well, your body has a lot of electrical things going on inside too. And just like your house, it’s a very good idea for it to have an electrical connection to ground every now and then. Here’s the new KenkoGround from Nikken to help you with that.
What is the KenkoGround Pad?
The KenkoGround is a pad that gives you the benefits of electrically connecting with the earth while inside the comfort of your home.
The pad contains silver conductive fibers and plugs into the ground plug in a regular electrical outlet. When you touch the pad, preferably with bare skin, you are electrically grounded to the earth outside.
Won’t I Get Electrocuted?
I have had a pad like this from another company for several years and I’ve never been electrocuted.
You should check your outlets to make sure that they are correctly grounded before you plug in your pad for the first time. Some builders take shortcuts that result in the outlet not being properly grounded.
For less than $10 you can buy an outlet tester and check all of your electrical outlets to make sure they are properly wired. Honestly, it’s a good idea to check your outlets whether you are using this pad or not.
I found this tester on but you should be able to find one at any hardware store. (This is an affiliate link but it doesn’t affect the price you pay.)
Why Do You Want to Be Grounded?
When you were a kid being grounded was a bad thing, right? It means you did something wrong and got caught.
Well, this grounding is a good thing.
As you move about your day you pick up static charge from the air, from the food you eat, and scuffing your feet across the carpet. The effect is even stronger when you use electronics, like this computer I’m writing on and the device you are using to read it.
That wouldn’t be a problem if we were in contact with the ground. But, most of the time we aren’t. We insulate ourselves almost all the time by wearing shoes, staying indoors on dead wood and concrete, and riding in cars on rubber tires.
You don’t want to be like that cloud in a thunderstorm that held onto the charge too long. You won’t through a lightning bolt to the ground, but the stored charge does start to cause issues in your body over time.
Connecting with the ground for as little as 15 minutes twice a day can be a huge benefit in getting rid of all that stored up charge. Ideally you want to walk barefoot in damp grass or in the wet sand on the beach.
Hugging or touching a tree is good too, but do it way out in the woods so people don’t think you’re weird.

That’s Why You Want a KenkoGround Pad
Or you can get a KenkoGround pad.
It isn’t always easy or convenient to get in touch with the ground. Most people don’t live on a beach or out in the country where grass and trees are prevalent. Beyond that, you probably have a job that requires you to be indoors most of the time.
The KenkoGround pad plugs into the grounding part of any properly wired electrical outlet and connects you to the ground while you are inside.
How to Use the KenkoGround Pad
Like I said, just plug it into the ground port of an electrical outlet then place the pad anywhere that you are going to be.
You can place it on the floor and rest your feet on it while you are working, reading, or watching TV.
As another option, if you have enough space, you can put it on your desktop and rest your arms on it while you are working. It’s 18″ x 36″ so it takes up some room. Instead of laying it out on your desktop, Nikken recommends you wrap it around your shoulders like a throw blanket.
Or you can put it on your bed and lay on it and stay grounded all night long.
However you choose to use it, it is best with direct skin contact. Thin, breathable materials should work but the reduced connection with the pad will probably reduce the benefits.
My Thoughts on the KenkoGround Pad
I have the KenkoGround and a similar pad that I have had for several years from another company. The KenkoGround is about twice the size of my old pad, and much nicer. My old pad is a thin, rubber mat. It’s ugly but it really does work.
I originally heard about the technology through David Wolfe. He had an experiment that he did to show how the pad reduces the voltage in your body while you are using your computer. I have done the experiment a couple times with my old pad.
Hopefully I will get a chance to run that experiment again with the KenkoGround. I will update this page when I do.
So, Where Can You Get Your Pad?
Order your KenkoGround pad directly from Nikken right here.
Your KenkoGround will ship to you directly from Nikken.
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Disclaimer & Disclosure
As an independent Nikken wellness consultant I do not represent or speak for Nikken. The content of this page represents my opinion based on my use of the Nikken KenkoGround pad ( I do have one and I use it every day ) or those of my customers who are using it. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions, so please don’t ask.
I may earn a commission if you order your KenkoGround through one of the links on this page, or the tester through the link to Amazon.