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Category Archives: Nikken Nutritionals
There is Sugar in Some Multivitamins!
Do you take a multivitamin? Someone recently sent me a link to a recording by Dr. Joel Wallach called Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. In the audio he talks about how we should be able to live well beyond 100 years … Continue reading
Do You Really Need a Multivitamin?
It’s easy to get confused about whether you need to be taking a multivitamin, or any other nutritional supplements. On one hand you have people who say that everyone should be taking one, and on the other hand you have … Continue reading
How to Keep Strong Bones
Last week I wrote a post about lactoferrin, a protein that does many things in the body including helping maintain healthy bones. Donna Merrill, one of the bloggers that I follow regularly, said that the bone benefit was what appealed … Continue reading
Lactoferrin: What Is It? What Does It Do? Where Do You Get It?
I’m amazed by all of the questions that I see asking about lactoferrin. What is lactoferrin? What is lactoferrin for? What are the benefits of taking lactoferrin? Is lactoferrin good for you? Where do you get lactoferrin? I’m going to … Continue reading
Posted in Nikken Nutritionals
Tagged Antibacterial, Antifungal, antivirus, benefits of lactoferrin, bone growth, bone health, Immune System, lactoferrin, lactoferrin supplement, osteodenx, Prebiotic, what are the benefits of taking lactoferrin, what is lactoferrin, where do you get lactoferrin
What Does “Loading” Mean in Nutrition and Medicine?
When Nikken introduced Bergisterol a handful of years ago they recommended (and still do) that you take twice the daily amount for the first month you take it then drop back to the regular daily amount. This is called “loading”. … Continue reading
Posted in Nikken Nutritionals
Tagged active ingredient, Bergisterol, Cardiovascular Health, dosage, loading, medicine
Standing Has Cardiovascular Benefits
Everybody knows that it is important to get up and move every now and then. An excessively sedentary lifestyle can have a variety of health risks. Yet that is exactly what a lot of people spend most of their lives … Continue reading
My Sugar Cravings Are Gone
A friend was nagging me a while back to try the meal replacement shake mix from the company that he works with. He was incredibly persistent so I finally decided to at least do some research to see if it … Continue reading