Alert: Nikken launched a new website on Feb. 22. If you have ordered from Nikken before (you have an account) please click this link to see what you need to do differently to place your first order (only your first order) on the new site.
Nikken magnets are available in a variety of forms. Click on the picture below of the type of magnet you are interested in for more information.
Magnets have been used for centuries to help the body heal, relax and re-energize. They are kind of like jumper cables for the little batteries in each one of the cells in your body.
Need science to believe? The FDA has approved some pulsed-magnetic field devices for medical purposes. The most common are the ones for helping bones to heal. They can only be used for short periods of time because the magnetic fields are produced by AC electricity and the switching frequency is potentially harmful.
The MRI is a more commonly known medical device that uses magnetic fields for diagnostic purposes.
The magnets I am talking about here, the Nikken magnets, are all static magnets, so they don’t contain any harmful frequencies or radiation. How do we know that low gauss static magnets are safe to use? If they weren’t, the human race would have died out long ago. The Earth itself is a low-gauss magnet.
The Nikken Magnetic Products
Do Nikken Magnets work?
That’s not really a question that I can answer here because to do so would be making a medical claim. To be honest, like anything else (including medications) magnets work differently for everyone. Some people respond very quickly to the Nikken magnets and other people very slowly or seemingly not at all.
My suggestion is that you try an inexpensive magnet like the Kenko PowerChip or a PowerBand bracelet. When you feel sore, you can tape the PowerChip on over the area with some first-aid tape and see how it feels in a few hours, the next day, and after a few days. Then, when you decide that they work for you, you can get a pair of magnetic insoles and eventually get the full Nikken magnetic sleep system.
How Do Nikken Magnets Help the Body?
I am sometimes asked how magnets help your body. I find it difficult to answer that question because they can affect the body in a variety of ways. Without making any specific medical claims, I can say that magnets have been shown to have a relaxing and energizing effect on the body.
For example, when I’m on my feet for very long they feel a whole lot better when I have my mSteps magnetic insoles in my shoes. I sleep a lot better on my magnetic mattress pad than I do without it. I take my magnetic pillow with me when I travel so that I at least have something. A king-sized pad isn’t very portable at all, so I have to leave it behind.
As I already said, when talking about magnets and health, the best answer is to try something inexpensive and see how you respond to it. Let’s take a look at the different kinds of magnets that Nikken has. The Nikken magnets have gone through many iterations and come in a variety of formats.
Simple Magnets
The simplest magnetic products are the ones that contain individual magnets. These are the
- PowerBands – magnetic bracelets and necklaces
A spinning magnet is much stronger than one that just sits in one place. That is one thing that makes the MagDuo and MagCreator so popular.
DynaFlux Magnetic Technology
Nikken has a brand new magnetic technology that has replaced the EQL magnetic technology that was in the Kenko Mini and Super Mini. They found that by layering magnets with the poles in opposition (like pole facing like pole) they get an intensified magnetic field that extends much farther from the surface.
DynaFlux magnetic technology is currently available in the:
- Kenko PowerChip
- Kenko MagFlex – large magnetic patch for the low back
- Kenko MagDuo
- Kenko PowerSleep Mask
- Kenko mSteps and mStrides magnetic insoles.
- Naturest DynaFlux magnetic mattress toppers and custom pillow
I am hearing from people who are having good results using the PowerChips on their knees and hips where the discomfort lies deep.
Find a price and order your Nikken magnetic products.
If you want to, you can find out more about how and why magnets work here and you can check out this blog post I wrote about the research of Robert Becker.
As an independent Nikken wellness consultant I do not represent Nikken. The contents of this website are my opinions based on my use of Nikken magnets. None of this has been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific Nikken magnetic products for specific conditions.
i want to know if a magnet matress is good for neuropathy and how to use it thank you.
Hi Claudette.
Unfortunately, it would be a medical claim for me to say that a magnetic mattress topper would help with neuropathy. I cannot do that because I am not a doctor and Nikken’s magnetic products are not medical devices. Further, even if I could, I still wouldn’t give a definitive answer because everyone is different.
What I can say is that I would give it a try if it was me. The mattress topper, while a lot more affordable that it used to be, is still a little pricey to buy just to see if it will help you or not. Instead, I recommend trying the magnetic insoles, probably the mStrides. They are much more affordable than a magnetic topper, and you can keep them in direct contact with your feet for longer periods of time. Put them in your shoes while you are wearing shoes. Wear them inside a pair of socks when you aren’t, including while you sleep.
Where can I get the magnetic back support insert and belt.?I had one years ago, bought from my Chiropractor who was a distributor.
Hi Susan. The MagFlex is here: and the KenkoTherm back belt with the slot to hold it is here:
My fiancé is having knee pain. How do we use the magnets to help? I am assuming we can wrap them but how many should he use? 1? 1 on each side? Thanks for any suggestions you can offer.
Hi Stephanie. It depends. If I had an issue that was near the surface, say the front of the knee, then I would tape just one magnet right on top of the area. If the discomfort is deeper, which can definitely happen in the knee, then I would tape or wrap on 2 magnets, one on each side of my knee.
What happened to the Nikken mini and super mini?
Hi Patty. The Mini and SuperMini are now the Kenko PowerChip
I have had both knees replaced 5 years ago. I find now I have some pain in my
Legs at night when sleeping. My daughter had given me a comforter a few years
ago and I have never used it. I would like to know if I can use the comforter with
the magnets in it now to see if it helps the pain in my legs but need to know if it
would harm my titanium knee implants. I would like a answer, and please send
it to my e-mail address, I would really appreciate hearing from you. It is a Nikken
product. Sincerely , Shaun Johnson.
Hi Shaun. Sorry to hear about your knee problems. First I have to say that I am not a doctor, so I cannot come out and say that you can or should use magnets. Titanium is not magnetic, so if your knee replacement is all titanium then the magnets should not affect it or be affected by it. Just to be sure, before you use the comforter check with your doctor to make sure that there isn’t anything in your knee replacement that would respond to magnets.
I bought some of your products including the Kenkopad Twin and Kenkoseat in 1999 for my husband who has MS. We bought it from a cousin in LA who was an agent. He unfortunately felt too nauseas when he used the products and we stopped them.I wanted to know if they are still okay to use 11 years later as someone is interested in them???The mattress cover is in a box and the seat cover has been kept in a cupboard.Thanks Claudia
Absolutely they should still be good after 11 years. I plan to keep using mine in 11 years, or at least until they fall apart.
I would like to tell you that I also have MS. I started using the magsteps in 1995. I have had MS since 1977. I was able to walk only with the use of a cane but not very far. My legs were weak and my balance was really bad. I used a cane or my battery cart for 15 years. I started wearing the magsteps. The only time I didn’t wear them was in bed. I wore them faithfully for 6 months and never noticed any change.Then it seemed like it happened over night. I got my balance back and started walking on my own. I’m still walking. I do however still have alot of fatigue.
Thanks for the comment Kathy. I don’t think the Magsteps and pennies would have that effect on each other. The copper in pennies turns green when it oxidizes and probably had more to do with the humidity in the shoes. I also don’t think storing them one atop another would have any effect because Nikken packages them one atop another. They are permanent magnets and are not likely to lose their magnetic strength. Anything is possible under the right circumstances though, so I cannot deny the possibility either. For that matter, doctors may tell you that it is impossible for magnets to help you regain your balance though many people have had that experience.
If anyone else reading this has had similar experiences with the Magsteps interacting with pennies or losing their strength when stored, please add a comment. Please comment if you have had any sort of miracle breakthrough too.
My mother had an unusual experience with her magsteps. Her mother always told her, if you find a penny, put it in your shoe for good luck. My mother had a penny in each shoe. The magsteps turned the pennies green and there was no more magnetism left in her insoles. I stored my magsteps one on top of the other. Not a good idea. They lost their strength.
Hi, Could you tell me if a nikken kenko infrared comforter could cause any damage to my laptop while using it on a tray on my lap while using the comforter too?
Thank You,
I can tell you that my wife and I have never had any issues in the past 5 years doing the same thing that you are asking about.
please let me know if my back support from Nikken may affect my future pacemaker.
Any magnet can affect an implanted device such as a pacemaker. My recommendation is that if you have an implanted device you check with your doctor first before using any of Nikken’s magnetic products.