Alert: Nikken launched a new website on Feb. 22. If you have ordered from Nikken before (you have an account) please click this link to see what you need to do differently to place your first order (only your first order) on the new site.

- The Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour
- How to Clean and Maintain Your Aqua Pour
- What if Your Aqua Pour Stops Working?
- How to Buy Your Aqua Pour Replacement Parts
Counter Top Gravity Water Filtration
The Nikken Aqua Pour Gravity Water System and Aqua Pour Deluxe Gravity Water System have both been discontinued and are sold out. I am leaving this page up because the replacement parts are still available and should remain available for another few years. The Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour has been replaced with the PiMag Waterfall that you can see here.
Since you are here then I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have clean, alkaline water to drink and cook with. You already know that chlorine isn’t safe to drink, at least not in the amount of water your body requires to stay health. After all, it was put there in the first place to kill things that may be in your water.
Alkaline water is also important to help balance the pH in your body. Our diets tend to by very acidic and alkaline water and vegetables are about the only things that we get to help maintain the slightly alkaline pH that we need.
The Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour Gravity Water System and the Aqua Pour Deluxe Gravity Water System, or more simply known as the Nikken Aqua Pour and Aqua Pour Deluxe, are inexpensive gravity water systems that do a great job of filtering your water and making it taste great. You simply pour your tap water in the top and let gravity do the work.
The newer Nikken Waterfall works the same way and does it better.
Maintaining Your Nikken Aqua Pour
The Aqua Pour is an easy system to maintain. The manual recommends changing the carbon filter cartridge every 6 months and the mineral rocks every 12 months. When you set up your system initially, you decided whether to use the microsponge pre-filter or the ceramic pre-filter. If you chose the ceramic pre-filter, Nikken recommends replacing it every 24 months. The microsponge pre-filter is good for up to 5 years.
I also recommend that you clean the system every few months to keep it looking good. We take ours apart every 2 or 3 months and rinse out both tanks. It is also a good idea to clean off the pre-filters to keep them in good working order. To clean the microsponge just hold it under running water and rub it with your thumb to loosen up any discoloration. If it doesn’t go back to mostly white then it is probably time to replace it.
To clean the ceramic pre-filter don’t use anything more abrasive than a soft cloth. When I was using the ceramic pre-filter I found that holding it under running water and rubbing it firmly with my bare hand was enough. Do NOT use anything very abrasive like a wire brush on the ceramic dome because you will scrape away the ceramic material and drastically shorten its lifespan.
What if Your Nikken Aqua Pour Stops Working
If your Aqua Pour stops working then it usually means that there are air bubbles trapped under the pre-filter. This is easy to correct if you are using the microsponge pre-filter. Take the lid off and set it aside. Reach your hand into the top tank and use a finger to pull up one edge of the microsponge to let the air bubbles out from beneath it.
Be careful when you do this to not spill any water out of the top tank. You may have to do this 2 or 3 times after you first assemble the system or replace the carbon filter. You may also have to do it once after you reassemble it after cleaning.
If you are using the ceramic pre-filter dome then it takes a little more time to fix. What I have found works well is to submerge a new ceramic dome upside down in water and let it soak over night before installing it. This allows the dome to soften to let water through easier and to fill up with water. When you install it in the Aqua Pour try to let out as little water from inside as you can.
I have put together a list of tips for the Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour and Nikken Aqua Pour Deluxe. You can find it here.
How to Buy the Aqua Pour or Aqua Pour Deluxe Replacement Parts
If you are in the US or Canada then you can order and any of the Nikken water filter replacement parts by clicking the image below.
When you order replacement parts for you Nikken Aqua Pour or Aqua Pour Deluxe, you will see two options for pre-filter. You only need to choose one. They won’t both fit in your system at the same time. If you don’t absolutely need the ceramic dome, then save yourself the potential hassle and just get the sponge pre-filter.
As independent Nikken wellness consultants we do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of these incredible products or those of my customers who are using the products. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and therefore unable to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions.
Hello I need to replace my filters for the aqua pour
Hi Deana. You are in the right place to order. Just click on the picture of the replacement parts above and that will take you to the right page on Nikken’s website to place your order. Keep in mind that Nikken is working on their website right now and it will hopefully be up again very soon.
We are looking to buy the water spout for our still functioning Aqua pour filter system that we are using for at least 8-10 years. The water spout plastic chrome finish handle broke and I need to buy a replacement but is having a hard time locating where to buy. I need help and assistance . Thank you.
Hi Joseph. I sent you an email with how to contact Nikken to get a replacement spout.
My husband just got an aquaphor system. I worked in a lab previously so had the water analyzed. It looks good except for the bacteria is very high. Any suggestions on where this might be coming from? He did let the system rest 24 hours before we took a sample. This is on a rural well water supply, not municipal.
The Aqua Pour is an old system, but still a good one, and the replacement parts are still available. So my first thought is was everything cleaned before you set it up and are the replacement parts – pre-filter, filter cartridge, and rocks all fairly new? Nikken recommends that the filter cartridge get replaced every 6 months, the stones every 12 months, and the pre-filter either every 2 years for the ceramic dome or up to 5 years for the sponge depending on which one you chose to use.
I have a Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour at the moment and I wish to replace it. I believe this is now discontinued and there is a new filter to replace it. I wish to buy it and I would like to purchase it from a local supplier in Singapore. I don’t like to order on-line as I need to speak to someone before I buy it. Can you please inform me where I could buy this product. (Address and phone number please). Thank you
As far as I know, none of Nikken’s products are currently available in Singapore.
Just noticed water under my water cooler. Took the Aqua Pour System off, drained all the water. Refilled the water cooler and no leak. Replaced the Aqua Pour System and noted water under the cooler again. Any suggestions? I have had the unit for at least 8 years.
For problems with the Aqua Pour Deluxe I recommend that you call Nikken directly to see if they can help.
I have had an Agua Pour Delux for 12 to 15 years and have gotten very good service from it, however, the water spout has begun to drip causing the water collection area to fill with water which I have to extract about every other day. I’ve tried to tighten this but with no luck, do I need to replace the lower section of the unit?
Hi Billy. You’ve had your unit a long time. I think the first thing I would do is take it apart and clean the parts that let the water out. Also check the seals to make sure that they still look good. Then reassemble and see if that has fixed the problem. Nikken used to sell the individual assemblies. I can call tomorrow to see they still have them in stock.
I also have another distributor friend who is much more familiar with the Aqua Pour Deluxe. He may have other ideas about what is going on and maybe put you in touch with him.
I want to order replacement parts for my aqua pour. I do not need the ceramic piece. I followed the link to order but failed to find an order form. Thank you for you time , Marci
Hi Marci. I’m glad that you were able to find your way through. For anyone else, clicking the links or pictures on this website should get you to the correct place on Nikken’s website to order. Then select your quantity and either click the Add to Cart button to continue shopping or the Checkout button to complete your order. Always contact me before you get frustrated. My contact info is at the top right corner of all my pages.
I have an Aqua Pour Deluxe that has never been used. My problem is that I do not have a base to place it into. What brands of bases with hot/cold dispensers are compatible with the AP Deluxe and where can they be purchased?
Thank you.
Any base should work and you can get them at places like Walmart, Target, Home Depot or Lowes. The only requirement is that the ring inside the top needs to be removable. With HD or Lowes you can probably take the bottom with you to the store and make sure it fits before you buy it.
Does it get rid of flouride out of the water?
Hi Adah. The Nikken water filters will remove 60% – 65% of the fluoride.
I had noticed that my Aqua Pour ceramic prefilter had gather green fungus. It stated here that every 24 months I need to get it changed, but it is only 16 months into it’s use, I tried to wash it away, but after 1week or two, the fungus came back again. Should I get it change fast?
It grew in my Aqua Pour once when it was sitting in direct sunlight. I moved it to a darker area and changed out the filters and never had the problem again.
can you tell me the difference, in terms of filtering contaminants, between the Acqua pour and the new waterfall model? I just purchased the Acqua pour on eBay (cant afford the new one yet) and just need to know if I need to pre-filter the water for any reason (like it doesn’t remove everything that is harmful). Thanks.
Hi Ann. The main difference in filtering capabilities between the Aqua Pour and the Waterfall is that the Aqua Pour hasn’t been tested and certified to remove everything that the Waterfall has. The Aqua Pour is a great system and will remove most of the contaminants that should be in a normal municipal water supply. The Waterfall has documentation to prove that it does.
I have the Aqua Pour Deluxe with the ceramic filter. Recently the water isnt filtering through, I cleaned it but still it’s not working. What should I do?
My guess is that there is something going on with the ceramic filter. It is usually the cause of problems like this. You can verify that by taking the ceramic pre-filter out and seeing if the water flows through the system without it.
Assuming that you have proven that the issue is the ceramic pre-filter, now we just have to deal with it. You said that you have cleaned it, so that should be OK. The problem is probably air trapped inside the ceramic dome. That sometimes happens after you replace your filter cartridge, like within a month or so. What has worked for most people is to turn the dome upside down and fill it with water. You can run a thin stream of water from your faucet into the hole in the bottom to fill it. If you have a new ceramic dome it is a good idea to soak it in water overnight too. Keep it full and re-install it into your Aqua Pour. You will lose some water but that’s OK. The idea is to get as much air out of the system as you can.
Feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have more questions. My contact info is at the top of this page next to my picture.
I bought my Aqua Pour Deluxe in 2005. That was before the big awareness of BPA. Are those systems also BPA free? Thanks.
Hi Barbara. They are BPA free. The only item Nikken had at the time that was a problem with BPA was the water bottle, and it was discontinued immediately. BTW, the new water bottle just came out this past summer.
Hi Wayne –
I bought the Pimag Aqua Pour a few months ago – I didn’t check at the time, and now I’m concerned about the plastic components. Do you know if they are BPA free?
They are BPA-free. Nikken got rid off any BPA a few years ago when it came out that BPA was a hazard. The only product that affected was the water bottle, which was discontinued immediately. The new water bottle is BPA-free too.
I have the Aqua Pour Deluxe with ceramic filter. How often do I need to change the rocks.(and all other parts too.) Thanks for your help.
Hi Peggy. The Aqua Pour and Aqua Pour Deluxe use the same parts and have the same part replacement schedule.
Filter cartridge every 6 months
Mineral rocks every 12 months
Ceramic pre-filter every 24 months or Microsponge every 5 years
Also, just to make sure you are aware, the Aqua Pour and Aqua Pour Deluxe were discontinued in October. The replacement parts should be available for another 4 years or so before they are discontinued too.
Is the container plastic or glass?
The tanks on the Aqua Pour are plastic.
i nid to order 1 Filter Cartridge 1 Silver Stone Cartrige 1 Ceramic Filter 1Mineral Stone
Hi Elena. I am a Nikken distributor for the US and Canada so I cannot have product sent to Australia. Also, we don’t have the silver stone cartridge in our Aqua Pour, so I don’t have access to that part. If you know anyone who would like to be a distributor in Australia and make the products available online like I do here, I would love to talk to them.