Nikken Shake Mix

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Nikken Protein Shakes

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Buy Nikken Protein Shakes

Meal replacement shakes have become very popular. Do you replace at least one of your meals every day with a protein shake of some kind? Do you know what kind of protein your shake is made from? Most of them are made with either whey protein or soy protein. Some people have allergies to whey, which is derived from milk, and need to avoid it. A common alternative to whey protein is soy. Despite all the hype about soy being a good source of protein, you may want to avoid it. Dr. Mercola’s website has some good info about why you should avoid soy.

The Kenzen Vital Balance shake mix is made from pea protein which contains more leucine, the amino acid that triggers muscle growth and prevents loss of muscle mass when dieting to lose weight.

What’s New With the Kenzen Shake Mix

New Kenzen Vital Balance Shake Mix Nikken has improved the Kenzen Vital Balance shake mix with moringa and monk fruit. Moringa is an excellent source of natural B vitamins, vitamins A & C, and several minerals. The new shake is available in vanilla and chocolate flavors. The previous shakes are still available until they run out.

Kenzen Shake Mix Is Now Healthier

The Nikken Vital Balance shake mix is not based on either whey or soy. It is made from all vegetable protein (mostly pea protein and some organic hemp protein), flavored with real vanilla and mixes well with water, milk, or your favorite juice.

If you have already tried the new protein shake, please send me your thoughts on it. You can do that by leaving a comment below.

Learn more about the new Nikken meal replacement shake .


As independent Nikken wellness consultants we do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of these incredible products or those of my customers who are using the products. Also, none of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and therefore unable to diagnose, treat, or prescribe specific products for specific conditions. I use the Nikken nutritional supplements and feel that they are high quality.

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