I was looking for a picture a few days ago on an old backup drive and stumbled across a picture from almost 10 years ago. The picture is of a pile of boxes that UPS left on our front step after my wife and I signed up as distributors with Nikken. Ok, the picture is actually of my daughter playing in the packing peanuts from one of the many boxes. Still, it was our first order. While I was officially signed up as a distributor, I was essentially a wholesale customer for most of the first two years I was with Nikken. I had the big order my first month then followed it up with a much smaller autoship order to get our nutritional supplements every month afterward.
I Was a Customer First
I can’t remember everything that was in that first order, but I remember most of them because I still use them. Yes, after almost 10 years I am still using several of the items from that very first order. Nikken has improved on most of them since then, so the items available now aren’t the exact same thing that I bought back then. In most cases the current products are better. For example, I received my first Magboy in that order and it has since been replaced with the Magduo. I still have my original Magboy along with the newer Magduo. I still sleep on my original sleep system (magnetic mattress topper, comforter and pillows). One item that hasn’t changed is the MagCreator magnetic massage roller.
I’m not a fan of getting a newer version of a product just because it’s newer and a little bit improved, so I don’t immediately place an order every time Nikken releases a new version of a product. Sometimes though, the newer item is so much better than the previous version that I have to upgrade. There are two that I can think of right off the top of my head – the Kenko PowerSleep Mask and the PiMag Waterfall water filter. I didn’t like the old sleep mask. The PowerSleep Mask breathes better and is so much more comfortable to wear all night.
Moving from the old water filter, the Aqua Pour, to the PiMag Waterfall took more thought. I really liked the Aqua Pour and it worked very well, and I was concerned about the Waterfall because it is a lot smaller. On the other hand, for as well as the Aqua Pour filtered the water, the PiMag Waterfall filters the water a lot better and makes the water more alkaline. I also felt like I needed to have experience with the Waterfall so that I could support my customers so I went ahead and bought one. I have been very happy with it. The smaller size hasn’t been an issue because water moves through the filtration a little faster than it did in the Aqua Pour.
Nikken Is Different Now
Nikken has changed a bit from what it was ten years ago. There are no big packs now like the one I ordered back then. Nikken just went through and lowered most of their prices getting rid of the need for pack discounts. The lower prices have also made it unnecessary to sign up as a distributor just so that you can order the product at a better price. The new retail prices are in most cases lower than the wholesale prices that I paid even back then. As a customer, you can now order the products for less than what I have been paying for them as a distributor. That’s just crazy!
Like I said at the top of this post, I also received an autoship order every month to get my nutritional supplements. An autoship order is one that automatically ships every month and it had a 10% discount. Back then you pretty much had to be a distributor to set up an autoship order. Nikken tried a few times to create a customer autoship program but it never really worked out because the customers couldn’t manage their order themselves. Plus, if you doubled or tripled up your order and had it shipped every two or three months you could save more on shipping by than you saved with the 10% discount on a monthly autoship order. Nikken has changed that now. Customers can set up their own autoship orders and manage them themselves. They can ship every month, two months, three months or six months so you can save on the shipping by ordering more than one month at a time. It also has a 25% discount on the nutritional supplements and skincare.
Customer Focus
As I just described, Nikken has made some changes recently to better support you, the customer and make it easier for you to get the products that you want at a better price. As a distributor, I believe that the best way I can support you is to be a customer myself. How can I in good conscience recommend an item to you that I have not tried myself? That would show a serious lack of integrity on my part.
I’ll be honest, I have not tried every product that Nikken has. I don’t personally have any need for the new DUK Tape kinesiology tape or Ten4 energy drink for example, although I have heard very good things about both of them. I would use DUK Tape if I was more into personal training or recovering from an injury, so I won’t rule out ever using it. I will probably never use Ten4 though because I wouldn’t be able to handle the amount of caffeine it contains. I’m not a coffee, soda, or energy drink user. I prefer the natural, non-caffeine energy that I get from the Jade GreenZymes barley grass powder.
I think customers make the best distributors. They have the experience with the products to make good recommendations when they talk to someone about the product. As a independent distributor, Nikken pays me when I sell an item and I can then turn around and buy more of the product.
If you have any questions about the Nikken products, leave a comment below if you don’t mind sharing your question with the rest of my readers and I will answer it there. If you want to keep your question more private, my email address is at the top right corner of this page and you can send me your question that way. Please connect with me however you are most comfortable. That’s why I’m here.
As if it still needs to be said at this point, I am an independent Nikken distributor. As such, I may earn a commission if you order your Nikken products through any of the links on this website. Nikken products are only available through independent Nikken distributors like me.
Awesome post, Wayne! Wanted to share with you the great blessings I received using the DUK tape.
First one is when I get a bug bite, I get welts (they swell, get red & sometimes blister). Essential oils nor over the counter creams could alleviate the itchiness and pain associated with this swelling – but Molly Simpson one time said – put a magnet on it. Long story short – when I put the round magnet with a bandage/tape on it for 4 days – the swelling was controlled, it did not itch – and eventually it goes away on 3rd or 4th day. This weekend – I had open toed sandals and putting a magnet on it with tape would look hideous during my personal development class. So I cut a small square of the DUK tape – a little bit bigger size of the area infected & kept it there for as long as the adhesive would stay. I showered with it and changed it on the 2nd day. By the 4th day – inflammation and redness around the area is gone. I’ll keep it a few more days – just to completely allow it to go away.
Second time I used DUK tape this past week was on Wednesday, the day we were traveling to attend the workshop – I noticed that I was feeling discomfort on my left back area – pulled something when I carried 20# bag of ice from the grocery check out stand to my car – about 100 yards. No fun! So after showering – I asked my husband to put DUK tape enough to cover the area of pain. Together with my magnetic necklace & using the Kenko ground while we slept at night – the discomfort was gone the past 4 days of training/traveling. From the 2nd day to the 4th day – I left the tape on. It stayed the entire time. On the 2nd day – when I noticed the discomfort came back – I realized that I forgot to put on my magnetic necklace after I showered the previous night. So when I put the necklace back on with the DUK tape still intact on my back – I felt NO discomfort the entire day! LOVE my DUK tape!!
Thanks for sharing your story about the DUK tape (and the PowerChip and KenkoGround). Looking forward to working with you.