Nikken PiMag Waterfall vs Reverse Osmosis

PiMag Waterfall Water Filter

I often hear people say that they like their reverse osmosis system and therefore are not interested in the Nikken PiMag Waterfall. If they only knew what they were actually getting, and not getting, from their reverse osmosis water filter.

From an environmental standpoint, the biggest problem with a reverse osmosis water filtration system is that it is very wasteful. For reverse osmosis to work you need a lot of water pressure. Commercial systems can end up flushing 30% or more of the water down the drain. Household systems, where the water pressure is usually much less, can flush up to 90% of the water that enters the system. That means that it can take up to 10 gallons of water to get 1 gallon of clean drinking water from a reverse osmosis water filter.

From a health perspective, the problem with reverse osmosis is that the resulting water is acidic. How is that possible when water is pretty much the definition of neutral on the pH scale? A reverse osmosis system creates very clean water, there is no denying that. The problem is that water wants to dissolve things, so this super clean water immediately pulls carbon dioxide from the air and becomes acidic. If you don’t believe me, get a litmus test strip and check it for yourself. I was shocked when I did it.

For most people, the concern they have with their water is what went into the water at the local water “treatment” facility. In other words, they want to remove the chlorine and other chemicals that were put into the water, and they should because the chlorine was put there to kill things and it doesn’t stop killing just because it came out the faucet. It turns out that a good carbon filter is more than up to the task of removing these chemicals. Also, a carbon water filter system doesn’t waste all the water that a reverse osmosis system does.

What is so special about the PiMag Waterfall then? Check out the size of that carbon filter in the picture above. It is a lot bigger than those puny things that you can screw onto your kitchen faucet. It also has a large storage capacity and the mineral rocks in the bottom add minerals to the water to make sure it stays alkaline. And it doesn’t cost anywhere near as much as a lot of other systems.

A PiMag Waterfall Gravity Water Filter doesn’t have to be attached to a faucet or other water source. It is stand-alone and can be placed somewhere that is convenient for everyone.

What is your opinion about water filtration? Write me a comment below and let me know. I would also appreciate it if you would share this with your friends and followers on the social networks. You can use the buttons above for Twitter and Facebook or below for the other social networks.


Wayne Woodworth

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8 Responses to Nikken PiMag Waterfall vs Reverse Osmosis

  1. I have a very bad nitrate level. And a shallow water table which limits the amount of available well water. CAn you recommend a RO and Nikken solution to help?

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Tom. From what I can find, RO or ion exchange systems are the best solution for nitrates in your water. The Waterfall does have an ion exchange resin in the filter cartridge, but I don’t think it’s significant enough to deal with a “very bad” level. I don’t know what the solution to a shallow water table would be other than city water if it is available, or bottled water. Nikken’s water filter, the PiMag Waterfall, doesn’t offer a direct solution for you in your situation. What it would do is make sure that your water is alkaline after all of the other treatment you have to give your water, but you have to deal with the nitrate situation first.

  2. Alex says:

    I know you mention that Reverse Osmosis or RO is not great for the environment or the planet. But take a second and think of the amount of infrastructure needed to transport bottled water from one place to another. This is worse don’t you think?

    • Wayne says:

      Hi Alex. I completely agree that bottled water is not a good solution for clean water for many reasons – bottling and transport impact, leached chemicals from the plastic, plastic in landfills, and it’s often just expensive tap water anyway. That’s why I think a good gravity water filter is the best solution.

  3. Keri says:

    Hi. Can I use the pimag system with reverse osmosis water to restore alkalinity after the impurities have been stripped? Will this sufficiently remineralize the water and restore the alkalinity? I love RO water. I love the taste and have a good system for supplying it. We rent our house so installin an expensive filtration system isn’t practical. We buy it through a glacier RO machine into our 5 gallon bottles and put them on our water dispenser. This has worked for a while and we drink lots of water. I recently discovered that RO water is not alkaline water. I am very disappointed and concerned and I am looking at my options to restore the alkalinity but still use the great method of RO to filter the water. I am wondering if I can get a oimag system and filter the RO water through it to restore the minerals and alkalinity while keeping the great clean taste of RO water that I love and making it more alkaline and healthier for us. I am ok with it changing the taste somewhat, but I would prefer to use the RO water to the tap water because they put so many things I. The tap water.

    • Ben says:

      Hi Keri. Yes, you can put your RO water through the PiMag Waterfall to make it alkaline. It will change the taste because it will put some minerals in your water.

  4. How many gallon per day a Nikken PiMag Waterfall provides please?

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